"Premium Less" Insurance.

Insurance is Expensive? Not Anymore!!

Money Simple brings a High-Efficiency Universal Life (HEUL) insurance that invests in high-earning mutual funds with in-built full life insurance coverage.

Let's understand HEUL with the help of a case study.

Case Study
Jane & Mary,
both individuals needs Life Insurance worth $500,000 each.
Term Life
High Efficiency Universal Life

Term Life

Jane enrolls for Term 100
insurance to cover her life full with the policy's face value of $500,000

High Efficiency
Universal Life

Marry decides to invest in
HEUL which automatically
covers her full life insurance
worth $500,000

What is Term 100 ...

A pure form of insurance. When the insured person dies, a one-time payment of the money, aka face value of the policy, is transferred to the family member known as a beneficiary.

What is HEUL ...

Money-Simple's smart strategy combined with the best Universal Life product, coined as High-Efficiency Universal Life (HEUL). This unique plan combines investment with insurance and generates tax-free income with many defined flexibilities.

How Marry avails extra benefits using HEUL as opposed to Jane, who sticks to traditional Term Insurance?

Convert your expenses into investment.
Term 100

Jane pays a monthly premium to protect her life using Term 100.


Marry invests in HEUL to grow her money at a high rate and gets her life insurance.

Instead of paying ...

Instead of paying the insurance premium, HEUL enrolled customers contribute to the hand-picked high-performing funds where your investment accumulates over a number of years. Of course, the plan covers permanent-life that makes it a special product regulated by the government regulatory bodies.
Cheaper than traditional insurance.
Term 100

Jane's premium is fixed at $2,110 yearly, which is 10X higher as compared to UL


Marry's “cost-of-insurance” starts with $190 and gradually increases based on her age.

The insurance cost ...

The insurance cost, under HEUL, depends upon several factors like an individual’s lifestyle, health & family medical history but it starts with a very low amount in the first year and gradually increases over a number of years, aka Yearly-Renewal-Term (YRT).
Insurance on your own terms.
Term 100

Jane continues to pay a yearly premium for the rest of her life.


Marry stops contributing after 20 years. After that, she sits back and just relaxes.

How many years...

Traditional permanent life insurance expects a premium to be paid every year to keep the policy in effect. HEUL allows you to choose how long you like to contribute to the plan. It’s a more practical choice to invest in young days, like for the first 20 years, to reap the benefits of full coverage throughout life.
Skip a payment.
Term 100

If Jane fails to pay her insurance premium, her policy lapse with no return. In order to have consistent life coverage, the yearly premium must be paid.


This year Marry is struggling with her savings, so she decides to skip contributing to HEUL. No negative impact on her life insurance and her investment account keeps growing.

How flexible...

Running short of cash this year? No problem. HEUL provides flexibility to ‘skip’ your contribution for a year. Your life is still insured and your investment money keeps growing.
Plenty of options to invest in.
Term 100

Jane's payment is an ‘expense’ so no question on investments or returns.


Marry has a number of high grwoth mutual funds to choose from, where her money should be invested.

Your choices...

Your contribution is invested in specific high-growth mutual funds. And you have full control of where your money should go. To make up your mind or ask our advisor to recommend where to start with. Change of mind? Sure. Up to 2 switches are allowed per calendar year free of charge.
Tax-free retirement income.
Term 100

At 65, Jane is figuring out her means of post-retirement income and pays taxes on earnings from traditional sources.


At the age of 65, Marry takes her retirement. HEUL feeds her income about $66,000 yearly tax-free for the next 10 years

Worreid about pension...

Worreid about pension? HEUL comes in handy which allows withdrawing tax-free monthly income for older days. And not just for pension, you can choose to take out anytime from your investment account based on compounded growth.
Ditch Probate Fee & Tax.
Term 100

On Jane's death, regardless of the age, her family receives $500,00 from insurance. No Probate required.


Marry forgot to make her “Last Will” and dies at 85. Her family gets $1.2 million from HEUL with no requirement to Probate in court.

Inheritance & probate...

Leaving assets for your family? Make sure they don’t have to struggle to claim the hard-earned money while going through legal processes aka probate. The good news is that all investments done under HEUL are probate-free. On death, the market value of the investment plus insurance amount awarded to your family with no question asked.

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